BBC visited Hamlet in France where the British couple died

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Chris Bockman

BBC News

ReportLes Pequiès, South West France
A woman and a woman who wears both smiling and sunglasses and casual clothes in Facebook and casual clothes, smile in front of some rocky hills. The background has a clear blue skyFacebook

English couple Andrew and Dawn Searle found dead this month

You travel from Toulouse to the last 15km of the journey to the Hamlet of Les Pequiès, you are traveling on narrow windy roads through hilly wood. Without a valid GPS system, you can also lose it very quickly, especially at night.

Andrew and Dawn I waited for the house of Searle, The British couple was found dead in the beginning of this monthto be away. This is what I see from the pictures of the scene. But I was surprised when I came to find good in the shouts of several houses.

Because this is an important detail because of the partial naked body in front of the house yesterday morning yesterday morning. The lawsuit, Nicolas Rigot-Muller, serving in the case of the Rigot Muller, said that there are severe heads caused by a sharp weapon. Any screaming was very clear by neighbors.

White house with brown shutters and windows with green meadows, there are trees and hills in the background

Searles lived in the Hamlet of Toulouse North Les Pesquiès

Her husband’s hungry body was found in the back of the house. The prosecutor says No weapons foundHe does not have a steal or a thief and an obvious sign of an argument that prevents war and sex offense.

When a friend came home with his dog, he discovered the body of the dawn. The couple had two big dogs and often walked with a friend or a few dog owners I speak in quiet hamlet.

A woman, Bénédicte, the couple was “completely attractive, we would often meet like this as walking around our villages,” he said.

“We are very shocked, of course, we are,” he said.

A woman with a coat and scarf is far from the camera. Stops outside and looks like medium conversation

Bénédicte said the residents “very shocked”

Lydie sells the product in local markets with a butcher, her husband. Their property focuses on the house of Searle, only one slave area separates them.

“They smiled very much and once I was able to talk to them together since I was living in the UK.” “They are well-integrated and invited everyone for a party every year.”

But everyone I approaches wants to talk. The images give that a very difficult time for this village community is a very difficult time for shining the criminal investigation.

There are no security barriers in the railway crossing next to the village, there is no stop sign, which is how little traffic is in the norm here. Now you can feel the existence of the Gendarmerie, the Gendarmerie, the branch of the French military leaders who conducted the investigation.

While the BBC provides live broadcast for Scotland, a large car with colored windows, the Toulouse was slowly past the four-stone officer from the murder and organized crime.

The question is afraid of local residents. Several of the gendarmerie took photos of our cars and asked for us to see our identity cards and called for us to be restrained. They said that the residents were afraid and partially sure of their existence.

Searle’s house has a bright yellow gendarmerie ribbon wrapped in the front door. Dogs went and have a veil on the swimming pool. The driver has two large candles burned and a leaflet of the door, there is a phone number for anyone who requires psychological advice or moral support provided by local social services. The same bround was tape on a community board in the center of Hamlet.

There is a tear color box that says in the foreground "Searle & Kerr 156". The bright yellow and bright red police tape covers a white door in the background.

Andrew and Dawn were between 30,000 Brits, a complete working day in southwestern France

Searle couples retired five years ago and show that other mailboxes in Hamlet are not the only expatriates in the region. This is not surprising: there are no official statistics, but in Tuluz in Toula, in various periods, in different periods, they have made the largest British in the Southwest in the South West, the cup of cups in France outside Paris.

On top of that, tens of thousands more, one of the fastest growing areas in France, only in the area called Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Paris has a holiday homes.

The thing that attracted them here is the quality of life, wide open spaces, relatively inexpensive property and thousands of beautiful villages and architecture.

The city of nearby Villefranche-de-Rouergue is one of the most beautiful medieval stone arcade-lined central squares in an area full of them. In the summer months, many rits, including many rits, including the open-air market, holidays, and are baskets filled with local products.

Different conspiracy theories explained how the couple died – I asked with many countless French national television and radio media. However, all we know is that the prosecutor and his team is still a reunification in Tuesday, “The tragedy resulted in the domestic crime or followed the third party.”

Two pines in glass jars in the form of heart jars are placed against a white wall nested between stones and brown leaves

Candles were burned on the driver of Searles and a nearby booklet’s psychological advice and moral support provided by local social services

Since death, since I spoke with the prosecutor who lasted this week, Montpellier, who has reportedly spoke, said that the investigation of a large judge in Montpellier said.

I asked him that he now led to the idea that Searle was killed now.

He replied that he was nothing. He added that they are killed and going to court, the prosecutor’s office will conduct.

Dr. Remy Sevigne, a psychologist who responded to the concentrate hotline from the leaflets, told me that many people have called for a kind of support. All the locals said, and all knew the couple in person.

All are either afraid or shocked.


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