Austrian parties reach the deal to protect the government from the right
In Austria, three main political parties, Thursday, after the last autumn, five-month roll of coastal ship talks have agreed to the formation of a new government.
The coalition was established on Friday to announce the duties of the ministry, but the new Chancellor’s Christian shareholder, the head of the People’s Party, the largest coalition partner.
The new government is set to enter the left and right central parties, but not Remote Freedom Partyending First, voting in September.
In the 1950s, the Freedom Party, which was established by the former Nazi Soldiers and promoted promises to the promises to prohibit deportations and political forms, suggested to be the latest wave to continue power in Europe.
The main parties first refused to work with the Freedom Party and tried to build a government without it, but these talks failed last month. The most conservative, People’s Party of these parties, then Herbert Kickl, the foreign leader of the right party, the foreign leader, the foreign leader, the foreign leader of the chancellor, the foreign leader.
However, these talks also shaken the parties to the final effort.
On Thursday, the People’s Party, the Austrian Social Democrats and the Liberal Neos Party presented a coalition and presented a 200-page plan to manage the country for the next four years.
Although the main focus is focused on the budget and economy, it affects migration reforms and offers a head-scan for young girls and a NODIA to the Freedom Party.
Since the last autumn, he has gained the best right popularity and now made about 35 percent voting. It is likely that if this coalition fails, the great victory ended.