Australian nurse is accused of video about killing Israelites Criminal news

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Police accuse the 26-year-old woman on the video, which is widespread.

The nurse in Australia was used on a video on a video related to the braggage of hospital staff related to the treatment and rejecting of death threats, death threats and other crimes.

The new South Wales police said that a 26-year-old woman, including three crimes, including a 26-year-old woman, which threatens a group of violence and killing violence.

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb, Sarah Abu Lebdeh, a woman named local media on local media, was banned to leave Australia or use the social media as “very hard” hostage conditions.

Webb said the woman planned to follow the court in Sydney on March 19.

The images of two crews in Sydney hospital, the images of two crews that brag to harm Israeli patients, went to viral on social media in the beginning of this month, was asked to condemn.

An online video chat shared by the creator of Israeli content, Max Veifer, Abu Lebdeh, claims that medical attention will not treat the Israelites and “will kill”.

Many Israeli patients of the video showed that he was a man hospital worker, saying that many Israelites sent Arabic to hell.

Ahmad Rashad, who in local news, was not accused of the incident.

Health bodies, two hospital workers work “in any context”, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has worked in “any context” on the incident.

Health officials said they had no evidence that any patient has negatively affected.

Australia, in recent months, including anti-Semitic events, including several fire attacks on the bomb plot and synagogues, role in anti-Semitic events.

When advocacy teams have launched an attack on both Hamas, Hamas and Israel and Israel and begin to war when he began to war.


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