Armie Hammer returns to Hollywood with one of the worst directors ever
Anyone with a social media account knows that these days, many celebrities, entertainers and public figures have fallen from grace, their reputations and careers under the banner of that dreaded term ‘cancelled’. ” Although the term is often misused, people who have actually been shunned from the attention they once enjoyed are often very deserving of their fate, so much so that any attempt to return has had to be extremely gentle and kind—counted as one.
Time and time again, The Undone continues to make weird, terrible, and unwelcome mistakes as they frantically struggle to regain their lost reputation (see: Spacey, Kevin, and his annual Frank Underwood weirdo videos). Today, we can add Armie Hammer to that inauspicious list of actors looking to reclaim Hollywood cinema by joining a project that wouldn’t be favorable in any capacity, let alone a disgraced celebrity. According to Variety , Hammer has signed on to star in a film with the catchy title of The Dark Knight. (I wonder what kind of wool the producers are trying to pull over the eyes of the audience) which, surprise, surprise, is about a crime-fighting vigilante. Even more embarrassing than the memory of some Christopher Nolan classic is the fact that the film will be written and directed by Uwe Ball, a famous German film director whose films are usually not liked by anyone.
Of course, when you think about it, the pairing makes some sick sense, as Ball has continued his film career at an unabated level almost out of spite for how much his work is despised, and Hammer’s recent comments seem to have a hint of antagonism, too. Indeed, the merging of the two isn’t much of a surprise; the real question is whether two wrongs can make a right.
Armie Hammer and Uwe Ball seem to subscribe to the idea of ​​angry filmmaking
Here’s the thing: Throughout the history of cinema, there have always been hoodlums, bootleggers and exploitative directors, the types of people who want to get their ass on location by any unscrupulous means. The difference between the type of thrash they usually produce and Ball’s output is that the former actually wants to entertain people, while Ball seems to despise his work and his audience. Even what was supposed to be a 2000s genre staple, 2005’s BloodRayne, was hampered by Ball verbally abusing screenwriter Guinevere Turner by running her first draft script and then allowing actors and others to change the script as they pleased during shooting. , according to this interview with Turner. Add to this questionable work ethic Ball’s infamous practice of confronting (if not outright fighting) his critics, and you can see that Ball is not concerned with art.
Apparently, Hammer is now interested Ball’s method of antagonismmaking the movie more out of spite than anything else. By signing on for The Dark Knight , it looks like Hammer is getting some weird payback for the rumors that he may have actually played Batman when George Miller was filming Justice League. Seriously, there was a time when Hammer could have been a legitimate contender for Batman, having done films like The Social Network and The Man From The Grandfather before he was accused of sexual harassment in 2021. Now he’s excited to join Ball in the film, which Variety says features a man named Sanders “who takes justice into his own hands as he sets out to hunt down criminals,” and the vigilante has become a social media hero despite the fact that that the authorities trying to stop his actions.
If this sounds very close to the plot of Nolan’s “The Dark Knight”, producer Michael Roche claims that “our film is very different from Chris Nolan’s film, so there is no danger of confusion.” This, of course, is a lot of nonsense; sewing confusion is exactly what these guys are hoping for. At least given Ball’s reputation and Hammer’s rapid descent into mediocrity (if not obscurity), we likely don’t have to worry about anyone getting confused when it comes to the quality of this cinematic fraud they call a movie when it in the end it will come out. If they intend to try to stir up strife and antagonism, then the sweetest revenge is not to retaliate, but to simply ignore their noise. Don’t call it a comeback; they really haven’t been here in years.