Apple keeps your DEI program
Apple is Far -outBut compared to his colleagues technological giants, he did something right. The company’s shareholders voted to preserve their policies for diversity, justice and inclusion after impetus to the Conservative Brain Trust, the National Center for Public Policy Studies (NCPPR) to remove them, Reuters reportsS The Center’s proposal, Request to terminate Dei’s effortsFailed 8.84 billion votes to 210.45 million votes – or about 2.3 percent of the votes.
Many of these programs have emerged or expanded when the Black Lives Matter movement erupted on the global stage in 2020. However, the criticism and threats of President Trump that Decee could break the law – along with the invertebrate greed from the leaders – see companies such as companies like Meta and Google Reduce or even completely remove these programs. Those who are in favor of the Apple proposal claim that the company may face cases in cases of discrimination if current policies remain.
At the meeting, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that “Power has always come from hiring the best people and then providing a cooperation culture where people of diverse origin and perspectives are gathering to innovate.”
Now, none of this means that Apple has incredible Dei efforts. Previously, his shareholders rejected more transparency about his racial and sexual gaps. They also voted a measure that would require Apple to further explore the risks of its AI efforts.
Cook also makes a lot of lure when it comes to Trump. The couple were reported last week and Apple announced $ 500 billion in the US -based costs over the next four years. He too donate $ 1 million He was attended by Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and other technology leaders.
This article originally appeared on Engadget at