American saga – leader 2?
Being a pioneer is a long, hard road. This is the theme of Kevin Kostner “Horizon: the American saga” both on the silver screen and from it, since the epic passion of the filmmaker regarding the character’s obstacle ensemble in the real world. The main of these obstacles is the question of any type of release: after “Horizon: American Saga – Chapter 1” It was released in cinemas on June 28, 2024, he even fought to get closer to the $ 50 million budget, earning only $ 38.7 million. This figure combined with the difficult technique of the movie caused a new movie and Warner Bros. to over.By postponing the release, it would seem endlessly. This fate seems to be the current (and disturbing) tendency, as some completed films have been postponed recently, and Warner Bros.-These are some high-profile examples.
Still “horizon” – this is a unique case – it is not considered as It seems pure tax recording as “Coyote vs.also did not lose the faith of its creators as Pharrell Williams/Michel Gondry Collaboration “Golden” apparently has. As evidence that Horizon is not yet over, “Section 2 recently conducted a screening at the 40th International Santa Barbara Film Festival on February 7, full of five months after the world premiere at the Venice Film Festival in September last year last year Years. The movie is complete, Kostner believes in it, and certainly there is some interest on the part of his fans as well as Those who opens “Chapter 1” on home media To see what’s next. If “Section 2” was the only disappeared work, it would be easy to say that the new line should just release the movie and make it. However, the problem connects, realizing that there are two sections of the Horizon and these are films that are far from completion.
“Horizon” is facing a very uncertain future
Inspired as an epic long-shaped 50’s and 60s Hollywood and Modern trend to meaningful movies“Horizon” finds itself in a close place that is as pioneer as it is difficult to solve. The Horizon’s promise is really inspiring: the multicolored saga that tells about a single, spreading, original story that tries to capture as much of life in the old West as never before. The problem is that no one saves Kostner and perhaps his staff knows exactly where the Horizon can go, which makes it quite rigid the audience now. Witty: This is not the adaptation of the novel or any other previous material, so there is no fan-base with appetite sees heroes or storylines they already know and love, brought to a big screen. Even more difficult is that these films make up one large -scale history; It is not installments and a continuation in the traditional sense where each film will have a single closed story that leaves a place for further adventures.
It would be one thing if Kostner, which financed most of the first two films with their money, completed all four sections and could show them to choose the viewers of this saga. Now “Horizon” feels that all this is rose hips, no steak; Installation of the scenes from “Section 2”, noticed in the closing “Section 1”, undoubtedly breaks, and apparently Kostner included similar installation at the end of “Section 2”, which presents views of future sections. However, teasing more that works only when the material is entrenched in the popular culture, and at that moment the “horizon” is too far on the border to get people to shake the future when it is still uncertain.
“Horizon – Section 2” sounds worth looking at
The fact that “Horizon – Chapter 2” is such a rigid sale, and a clear financial game is difficult to swallow, just because the movie sounds that you should see. This is true, because it is great to get more original films made for adults and new western stopping. But it also seems exactly in a sense when reports from people who came to participate in the view of February 7. Having explained his inspiration for the saga, Kostner gave summarizing movies about the topics of the series (as seen in Cbrthrough Variety🙂
“People who traveled across the ocean to America were in search of a dream. If you were enough and tough enough you could do it. And it was a nightmare for people who were here 15,000 years old. And this land was challenged.
Later, during the post-film Q&A, Costner spoke about Horizon and “Section 2”, in particular, had an orientation to the woman:
“I was always disturbed that we had no more women on our Western because there was no West without women. With them in it.”
Bostner also confirmed his passion for the project, telling how he started working on him back in 1988, and how he decided he would insist, though “he seemed to like too much.” Announcing the event check made him “feel giant”, it seems that Vera Kostner in “Horizon” was unlikely to hesitate, despite recent events. As of this writing, “Section 3” is still technically in development, and while the household issue “Section 2” is still uncertain, the film must be theatrically released in Germany on April 3. It is possible that the “horizon” can save the “horizon” as its installation: perseverance, cereals and The word from the lips. Who knows how to look like a complete sag if (not if) it is over, but I, for example, can not wait to find out.