According to Rotten Tomatoes, the worst costume season

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“Costumes” -esputs are a popular legal drama, which took nine seasons on the US network is the perfect series “Drink”. Despite the fact that “costumes” were very favorite, even when its episodes were aired by the traditional path, the series beat streaming records as soon as it was added to Netflix and Peacock in 2023. Actually people loved the premises so much which Currently “costumes” goesWith Stephen Amel and Josh Mcademitis attached as leading. Well, this is just a matter of time, before we can understand whether this new Spinaf called “LA costumes” will be able to return the unique essence of its predecessor. So far, we have 100+ episodes of “costumes” to study that teach intriguing relationships between the best friends of Harvey (Gabriel Maht) and Mike (Patrick J. Adams), as well as the worlds they inhabit.

Like in any long -standing series, “costumes” have their picky, not very big seasons, such as season 8, which feels especially recurring, because it repeats the models of stories, well established in the first few seasons of the show. Moreover, this season is leaving the characteristic attention of the series on interpersonal dynamics and instead recedes the drama associated with the firm. Although Season 9 saves these mistakes by shaking the satisfactory conclusionPieces of the puzzle fit a little late, leaving much to be desired. Given this, branding of a particular season “worst” will necessarily lead to subjective results, as some may even say that in previous seasons (for example, season 3) there is not enough X -Factor to whom “costumes” are known. But when we view Rotten Tomatoes as a metric, season 1 “suits” is rated at the lowest, with 78% on tomatometer (Which, by the way, is not a bad score in no idea).

Given this Rotty Tomatoes, let’s deepen in the first season of “costumes”, its dramatic moments, and whether this moment was too early in the series to anticipate what excitement it causes.

1 season of costumes deeply undetermined but good worth your time

When in 2011 the “costumes” dumped their first season on the US networkThe channel was mostly known for its light names (a good parallel “rather legitimate”, which also aired in 2011, but leaned toward a more fun, bizarre tone). Although the “costumes” have never been gloomy on their own, it is based on its melodramatic storylines seriously, while constantly alternating between entertainment and cliché. While the “costumes” are not as careful and intentional as some of the critical television shows of the last decade, it is also neither a shot nor inspiring as rapidly developing legal drama. I would claim that this well-worn mediocracy is what makes “costumes” enjoyable in the explosions, where good parts shine bright enough to heat memorable portraits of the characters. As for the bad, it is a matter of patience and the taste.

In the first season, “costumes”, though not perfect, manage to sell its premises with a large level of lawyer, who hired a fraud with a photographic memory to climb the corporate ladder. A lot of time is devoted to the clearing of personal circumstances and desires of the jersey, because we are sure that it makes it follow such an unconventional career route, despite the fact that it is so intellectually gifted. Mike gradually forms friendship with Harvey, but their chemistry is direct and electrical since the first day, which emphasizes the future of this connection and how it can form a series as a whole. Although season 1 does not carry any obvious markers for explosive success of the show down, it plant seeds for developing drama with huge potential.

Moreover, Louis Lita Rico Hoffman, a manipulative, moody partner on the financial legislation that subtly drives the conflict in the first season, is a pleasure. The unbearable bent litter in season 1 It is only a trodig to look into the tactics he drove, he will eventually work during the seasons. There are also Megan Markle Complex, ambitious Rachel ZaneWhich Mike is immediately attracted, opening the history of love, which will have the weather and overcome its obstacles before wearing the fruit.

Although the show undoubtedly becomes more interesting after that moment, season 1 works well enough to arouse the same interest. Once you finish the bin, looking at all nine seasons of “costumes”, perhaps upcoming “La” costumes can help fill the pulm legal drama.


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