A classic movie about superheroes that (accidentally) influenced nosferatu
This post contains spoilers for “Nosferatu”.
What is the best way to celebrate the 2024 holiday season than with the supernatural horror nightmare. Since “Nosferatu”, directed by Robert Eggers, risen the vampire classic in the form of a terrible dream of fever Just at Christmas last year, reinterpreting the original film of 1922 as a stylish horror with some perverted fairy tale in the center. In the movie Eggers “Titular Vamp”, played by Bill Skarsgard, the wish after Ellen Hatter Lily-Raze Depp, eventually traveling from his castle in the mountains of Transylvania to his hometown of Wisburg, Germany. There he feeds on her blood into the pseudo-sexual embrace, which eventually leads to his death when the sunlight interrupts the perverted couple’s attempt.
If the vampire love disorder is not your business, the eggs are sure to do what it does best by building a world that so completely absorbs you, you sincerely forget that you are watching a fabricated fairy tale. The director reached this feat most effectively when realized what was A lifetime dream in the form of its visceral epic Vikings “Nortman”. But the same loading is at the heart of “Nosferatu”, and the production designer Craig Lotrop is erected seriously impressive series of 60 kits on several sound -stones in Barrandov Studios in Prague. While a few scenes were shot on the spot, the movie remains a miracle Condé nast that its version of the area was provided as “Collage of places”.
Even if you were not all that has taken the story, you should be amazed at the Eggers movie for its comprehensive atmosphere, transport tone and bright production design. However, it may be a surprise that all these things have influenced the classic film about superheroes without understanding this Jagiers.
Robert Eggers was inspired by a movie about superhero without knowing this
In an interview with Happy sad confusedRobert Eggers asked what directors and films he was “obsessed” as a 14-year-old. Without missing a hit, the director calls Tim Burton before showing that he recently revised “Batman returned” in 1992 and was surprised to learn as a movie to “Nosferatu”. Noticing the “Snow Gothic atmosphere” of superhero blockbuster Burton was “shockingly similar” in most of his movie about the horrors of the vampire, Eges claims that this influence was what he “never considered at all” when shooting the film.
This discovery is becoming more amazing the more you think about it, since the similarity between “return” and “nosferatu” are much more than you can understand at first. Burton really allowed the Flag of freaks flying with “Batman Returns”, Creating your own snow -covered fairy tale of a nightmare of a nightmare, which sees Danny Dani’s penguin descended on Gotem, as well as Novfert to Wiesburg. Bothem’s production designer Bo Welch uses the phrases of Craig Lotrop, “Collage Places”, which corresponds to the design of the art Deco with fascist architecture and a noticeable expressionist style, which makes “Batman returns” the most exciting movie Batman, if -something done. Moreover, just like Wiesburg in Nosferatu, Gotem “Return” was created entirely on the sound stories in Warner Bros. in Burbank.
If this is not enough to convince you of Berton’s influence on Eugene, this is just the beginning of parallels, which is generally a movie.
Many -Lots between Batman’s return and Nosferatu
In his happy sad confused interview, Eugers points to a certain visual similarity between “Nosferatu” and “Batman returns”, emphasizing how Tim Burton’s version “Wayne Manor. “Returns,” he showed that he was sitting alone in a darkened room, remembering the figure of Earl Orlok, who made his way in his conquest, confused castle, waiting for his time to come. The window, at the moment that is vaguely reminiscent of how Ellen Hatter herself attracts the shadow of the nose.
The parallels just go from there. German expressionist style that has so much influenced Tim Burton, was also an integral part A film that has defined vampire movies: original 1922 “Nosferatu”. Moreover, Burton himself did not hide to be a fan of this movie, to the extent that he called one of the villains “return” after the actor, which reflected the titular monster in this original film. Max Shrek Christopher Walken is a direct reference to the German actor of the same name, who first played Nosferatu.
Nosferatu – is almost the spiritual continuation of Batman’s return
In a more general sense, “Batman returns” and “nosferatu” share the devotion of the atmosphere and tone, which makes them essentially related within the framework of the pedagogue, which the champions of such exciting film production. For me, the most striking in “Return” was that the feeling of a fully enveloped by the world of the movie. As a kid, I always thought I loved the movie because it’s a movie about Batman – and I did. But, as I grew up, I realized that Burton unexpectedly shows me and the whole generation of children, what it looks like to fully realize the artistic vision and teach us something about our own sense of aesthetics in this process. Like Robert Eggers, I was lost in the world created by Burton and Welch, to such an extent that it helped to form my understanding of aesthetics and my artistic feelings – something clearly accurate about Egers that apparently made a movie that borrowed “Return” Not even understanding that.
This is all saying that the “return” has never been a movie about superheroes. Indeed, Burton has made several films “Tim Burton” for many years, not the movie “Batman” – one that did not cause a lack of disputes over his dark tone when he made his debut. But it’s also what makes it such a miracle movie. Berton ‘Batman ‘made Warner Bros. (and Star Joker Jack Nicalson) So much money that he was essentially given for free to create everything he wanted for the continuation. Since then, this has not happened in superhero movies, especially in the era Marvel Cinematic Universe that Marvel Studios is now trying to fix until it is too late. But “Nosferatu” is perhaps the spiritual continuation of the “return” in the sense it uses its horror fund to similarly realize the artistic vision completely freely.
Now it becomes a question that Will Robert Eges will ever make a movie about Batman because this is one movie that seems as if it can save the comic book movies simultaneously. For Batman lovers who have not yet seen a character who acts as a crypto that Eges will undoubtedly be superior to the movie looks not easy. Since James Gan is preparing to launch his new DC universeHe can at least consider the idea …