‘China is addicted to investment’: Sridhar Vembu questions whether the Bejing model is nearing its end

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The founder of the victim Srade Wembu has raised a red flag on China’s economic model, calling it “fundamentally flawless” and unstable. In the post in X, Wembu criticized China’s relentless pressure on the value of domestic consumption, claiming that its “exports at all costs” could import more.

Wembu’s comments have been published in a record that China still has to reverse its consumption from the Economic Reforms of Zhu Rongji and the WTO.

Zhu Rongji reforms changed China’s economy through Soe reorganization, modernization of the financial sector and market liberalization. His Zhuada Fangxiao policy united the largest state enterprises (SES), reducing smaller, improving efficiency, but leads to millions of job losses. In the banking process, he created asset management companies to manage bad loans and encouraged the bank’s privatization to import market competition.

ZHU’s tax division system, which was modeled by the US Federal Structure, stimulated central income and fiscal management.

ZHU on the World Front in 2001 He also cut tariffs, strengthening China’s export-based economy. Present, he halved the bureaucracy, solving inefficiency and corruption. Although his policy caused significant removal, they stabilized inflation, strengthened the financial sector and lit the fast economic growth, cement China as global forces.

Calling this China’s “original guilt”, Vembu claims that the country has created a structural unbalanced economy that has survived only by expanding endless debt.

“The only way to this system itself is growing in itself endlessly (and therefore money, as money is independent duty, avoiding it).

This is not the first time webu has caused an alarm about economic imbalance. He also warned of India’s overvention in it, claiming that its dominance “all overcharged” succeeds “other critical industries, such as production and basic engineering.

“When money flows in the industry very quickly, it sucks resources and can leave us less than before, in other most important areas of money under the floods.”

His remarks hit the chord online, discuss discussions on the value of other spheres on the predominant communication of talent. One user mourns. Long-term loss of neglected production is real. “


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