Exit from a star hike that saved Marina Sirtis from dismissal like Dina Troy

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The franchise “Star Trek” has always been quite progressive, but over the years it can also be very difficult for women who worked on it. Creator Franchise Jin Rhoddenberri and some of his students, including the Star Way: The next generation and the Star Way: Deep Space Nine, producer Rick Berman seemed to be treated with women and women who played their eyes and a little more. Although the “Star Way: Original TV Series” was only the wife of Rhodenberri Majel Barrett-Roddenberry as a Nurse Chapel And Nichal Nicols in the role of Lieutenant Uhura, “Star Trek: The Next Generation” had to have a little more equality, with a great role for women in Dina Troy’s Advisor (Marina Sirtis), Chief Medical Officer (Gates McFadden) and Crosbi Chief. Unfortunately, up to 2 season, two of these women would have gone.

In the panel in Star Trek Las Vegas in 2018 (via Wooden), Sirtis showed that her future at the exhibition after the first season was quite uncertain, but after Tasha Yar Crosby was killed, she knew she was safe for long.

Dennis Crosby’s departure retained Sirtis safe

It’s really annoying but the “star path” has a long story when women are written off and fired starting with the character of Grace Lee Witty Janice Rand is allegedly lists Just because her hero had too much chemistry with Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner), which would not allow him to be a bachelor of aliens. Sirtis told the audience on the panel that he knew that “on the bubble” from the dismissal, and that she feels exclusively “decorative” when the co-star Crossby asked him to be written from the show At the end of the 1 season (because of the disappointment of your own about being the object of sex, there is little to do). When Fresx pushed back and said he was probably not going to fire, Sirtis confirmed it:

“Miley (Rhodenberri) told me actually. Through the years I encountered her because we were very close (…) I said Miles through the years:” Miley, I was going to fire, right? “And she said, ‘Yes, you were. (…) You need a doctor, you need a security head, you really don’t need a psychologist.

Although she did not want her hero to die, the ravine was killed. Soon, MacFaden was asked not to return for 2 seasonAlthough she was replaced by another main woman, Dr. Kate Pulaski (Diana Moldovur). Both McFadden and Crosby will eventually return, but it looks like they are leaving when they saved the sirtes from the cut block.

Troy was deprived of the dark fate

In fact, the shame that Rhoddenberri allegedly wanted to get rid of Troy simply because the crew had too many women, especially when it became one of the most important members of the enterprise crew. As an advisor to the ship, she helped many heroes to process her feelings from the absolutely stupidity they had to face within the framework of the final border, giving us an understanding of their lives, which was even better than personal magazines. Not only is her relationship with the ricker – this is, frankly, the only really good novel in all “Next Gen.”

Unfortunately another wonderful character will face the unpleasant end only in a few years in the series “Star Way: Deep Space Nine Having reduced her role at the end of the sixth season of the showAs she asked. Not every actor who left the franchise He did it on such an acid note, but wildly how many women dispersed with the “star” for sexist reasons. These days, everything seems mostly better, but the 20th century was definitely time.


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