Spider-Man’s gathering cards are really spectacular

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Last year a set of Marvel theme cards reached Magic: The collection –One of the card game very much current brand CrossoversAnd they presented characters from A-list such as the Black Panther, Werewolf and Captain America. But Spiderman was missing from the famous squad because he was getting a set for himself.

During the New York Toy Fair in New York, Coast revealed six cards from the upcoming crossover. Together with the chief man Peter Parker, the preview below shows three classic villains – from Venom, Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus – and specific maps built around the Goblin pumpkin bombs and the Ock tentacles. As “legendary creatures”, Spiderman and his villains have different abilities such as removing up to three stunning counters (Peter) or extracting a card for targeted creatures from a cemetery (poison), while the OK tentacles put an artifact map from the cemetery of the enemy under your control. If that sounds exciting to you, this is just the tip of the network-other cards will represent other villains and fellow spider heroes such as Miles Morales, Gwen Stacey and potentially Miguel O’Hara, who is on the cover of a welcome package.

Wizards Executive Producer Max McCall said IGN This Spidey needed his own set because the team really wanted to “make justice for the hero and to include the many villains they have encountered over the years. Choosing the Canon Spider-Man characters as part of a wider set will leave too many characters on the floor of the cutting room. We could probably find a place for Gwen Stacey and Miles Morales in a spider -specific, but there would be no room for Aunt May. “

If the idea of ​​a full set of Spider-Man excites you, Wizards have a variety of packages to buy. Prices range from $ 38 (for Booster Box Collector) to $ 42 (box for scene) or $ 210 (30-packed game box). You can order whatever you want in advance Amazon Or at the local games store now before their departure on September 26th.

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