Golden Toilet Theft Control Video Condumed Britain Man – National
It was not a typical shach and the stealing of holding and the loot was valuable: a toilet which is more than the weight of gold.
Observation images were released by Thames Valley Police, which holds 18 carat gold toilets that slip in two minutes in five minutes Blenheim PalaceBritish country owner where the English war leader Winston Churchill was born, In September 14, 2019 in September 14A prosecutor easily spoke on Monday.
Lawyer Julian Christopher, Oxford Crown Court said the opening statement was “inhajug”. In the case of Purlosed potty, one of the three men in court took part in stealing, and the other helped the other.
The toilet has never been restored, but it is assumed that it is cut and sold.
Satirs called “America” ​​by the Italian conceptual artist Maurizio CattelanHave fun in extreme wealth. This was 215 kilograms (98 kilograms) and was insured for 4.8 million pounds ($ 6 million). The cost of gold in time was 2.8 million ($ 3.5 million).
The fabric was previously on the screen Guggenheim Museum in New York. The museum offered a job to the US President Donald Trump After you want to borrow in the office in the office Van gogh Drawing.

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One of the suspects, Michael Jones, twice before the stealing, once installed in the Blenheim Palace and an exhibition and individually and individually and individually and individually and individually and individually and individually and individually and individually and individually and individually and individually closed. The exhibition may appoint a three-minute meeting to use the toilet.

Both times, Jones, then pulled the photos of the broken window to break down the palace. For the second time, he also took a photo from the bathroom, including the locking picture of the toilet door.
“There can be no doubt that he is exploring for theft that will happen that night,” he said. “It would be enough to guilty of counting one of the theft.”
However, Jones, the palace consisted of five people whirling the wooden doors of the palace, the next morning in two stolen vehicles before dawn in the morning. They torn in a field in a field in a isuzu truck and VW Golf and pulled up to the front steps, where the window jones pulled to the fore.
Divide the toilet door and pulled the golden throne from the plumbing of the plumbing, the 18th century washed from the building building, the Water from the pipes filled with the World Heritage Site of the World Heritage.
Jones James Sheen was in a construction where he was trying to sell Christopher, a builder to sell both thefts and gold to sell gold. Earlier, Sheen, who was sinful in the transfer of previously theft, assassination and criminal property, 40 people.
Sheen, then worked with a bargain with the money in Haul, Fred Doe and Bora Guccuk. In a number of text messages, the looted as a “car”, but Christopher said he really talked about gold.
“I will relate to, I made your way,” Sheen said in a message.
“I can sell that car for you in two seconds … So see me tomorrow and told me in an answer.
Doe is charged with a conspiracy of 41, Guccuk’s conspiracy to view 36 and 41, criminal property.
All the defendants admitted not guilty.
& Consion Press 2025