Why the Spinasor from the Jurassic Park in the lost world?
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The “Jurassic Park” franchise has been going on for more than 30 years, covering six films and several animated shows today, not to mention a lot of video games and other additional media, such as the rides of the thematic park in the real world. The franchise is also far from what has been done, as this summer will be the exit of the “World Renaissance of the Jurassic period”. Universal images are revealed in The first trailer for the “Renaissance” in which the film will feature several spinosesThe return is first and foremost first and foremost.
Directed by Gareth Edwards, this last contribution focuses on new characters and It takes place on the new island, in particular the original research institution “Jurassic Park”. Because it is a new island, not Islands, where there was an actual thematic park, or Islands (AKA SITE), where the “Lost World” and “Jurassic Park III” took place, the film will feature different dinosaurs what we used to be They did not see, even if some of them are the same species. This means that we will most likely not see the spinosaur entered in “JP3”. It really gives us the opportunity to reconsider the issue that is burned, but why the spinosaur in the “Lost World?”
Practically speaking Continued director Stephen Spielberg “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” It came out four years before the Yuri Park III 2001, and the idea of ​​the spinosaur was not yet a thing. Directed by Johnstan brought the audience who grabbed a prehistoric beast to offer franchise something new. But in the universe where these films are being held, why Jan Malcolm or Ingen collided with a spinosaur during a visit to B in the “Lost World?” Believe it or not, there is a very logical explanation in the canon of the franchise.
What happened between the events of the lost world and the Jurassic Park III?
The answer exists within the framework of official explanations regarding what happened between the events of the “Lost World” and “Jurassic Park III”. Before you plunge into specificity, it is important to note that Isla Sno is much larger than Islands as This image demonstrates. Although this image is not necessarily canonical, it is based on canonical material to which we will receive for a moment. But the size of the island helps to explain why these two movies look so different, despite the fact that happens on the same island.
Different parts of Islands can have different biomics that explain a large number of types of terrain. It also explains why there are different dinosaurs operating in different territories. One of the theories was that the spinosaur had a different territory than the T-Rex family in the “lost world”. This theory falls apart when we consider fights back (and kills) T-Rex in “JP3”. And yet the difference in size is a consequence.
A valid answer is at university Web -Sight for the Dinosaur Defense Group, which launched the “World of Jurassic: the Kingdom” on the eve of 2018. This site contains many canonical knowledge through articles that help to fill in the gaps in the history of the “Jurassic” franchise not explained in movies. In the article “Growth and Falling Masrani Global” The site revealed that Masrani Global, which eventually launched an operational version of the Jurassic world, conducted illegal cloning of dinosaurs since the end of the 1990s.
“The latest discoveries related to the corruption of the Guards Law, Masrani Global members confirm the real reason – the introduction of illegally clan animals on the island in 1999 caused a deep impact on the ecosystem.”
Before you get into the nuts and the bombs of this bomb, let’s break it into a piece. In the article “What did the genes died in the gene protection?” From the DPG site, he explains that there is actually an act of enforcement.
Spinosaurus wasn’t alive during the lost world
“Ethical negligence under the Paleo-Genetic Resource Bill (ENPGR) was adopted in accordance with the new law on the Protective Guard in 1997, as a response to the San Diego incident,” the article explained. “This act will expand the existing samples of dinosaurs the same rights and protection as other endangered animals, as well as limit any further access to the islands belonging to Ingens. It also banned the further cloning of a new prehistoric fauna or flora company that was a company that was a company that was a company that was Devoted (at the time) to defend strict ethical rules concerning animals. “
In the world of movies, Masrani Global purchased ing in 1998 After falling off the T-Rex attack in San Diego at the end of the “lost world”. Shortly afterwards, ignoring the law on the protection of genes, several scientists went to Island to conduct illegal experiments on illegal dinosaurs. This is called the “vital test” in the articles on the site and is known as unofficially as a regenesis of the project. The project was headed by Dr. Henry Wu, a geneticist, played BD Wong in movies.
“It has been found that many types of dinosaurs who attended Islands were new species that were cloned before (the Guard Law) in 2003,” the articles also explain. These dynos were clinted between 1999 and 2003. Among the dinosaurs created illegally during this time? Spinosaurus. Anonymous hacker known as Yur@55!
“The new species included: Ankilazaurus, Ceratosaurus, Corythosaurus and Spinosaurus. All were abandoned at the place B until the survivors were transferred to Nublar to accommodate as future attractions in the world of the Jurassic world … a number Initially reported that survivors in the plane crash on Isla Sorn in the summer 2001 Year, but the information was quickly buried. “” “”
Simply put, the spinosauro was not during the events of the “lost world”, and only when Alan Grant was in place B with the Kirby family in “Jurassic Park III”, which people outside the Masran learned.
On July 2, 2025, the “World Revival of the Jurassic Period” enters the theater. Meanwhile you can capture “Ultimate Ultimate” collection on 4K, Blu-ray or DVD from Amazon.