Rashid Shafic Arrested for Death Teens After Theft of Chocolate

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Authorities have arrested a Pakistani couple in the alleged connection with the death of a 13-year-old girl who worked as a maid. According to FolkAuthorities arrested Rashid Shafic and his wife, Muchon suspicion of murder. They also took the teacher who worked on February 18.

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Details about the arrest of the Pakistani couple in allegedly connection with the death of a teenager

Upon BBCIt is reported that the victim is reportedly identified as IQra, allegedly picked up chocolate candy from Rashid Shafi and his son’s wife before being informed. People found that Koran’s teacher had taken IQra to the hospital but left after falsely saying that she had no parents. It remains unclear whether the teacher believes this information is true. However, on February 12, IQra went from the injury.

The police investigation revealed evidence of repeated torture and abuse. The initial conclusions showed that IQRA suffered frequently cruel treatment. Photos and videos considered by the BBC showed several fractures in the legs and hands, as well as serious head injuries. A complete revelation report was issued to confirm the degree of her injuries.

According to the BBC, children’s work is different in the country, but Punjab prohibits children under fifteen as home workers. The section reports that the caviar allegedly started working as a maid for Rashid Shafi and his wife at the age of eight.

A teenager’s father responds to her tragic passage

Upon learning of the tragic death of IQra from her death, her father responded to the news. “I felt completely destroyed inside when she died” He said BBC.

He said the police urged him to be taken to the hospital. He also shared that when he arrived at the hospital, he found caviar unconscious on the bed, and she died shortly afterwards. The father’s father also told the BBC that he wants “responsible for her death.” To date, no additional details have arisen regarding Rashid Shaification and his wife’s arrest or the possible accusations they may face.

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