Brave new world – and mcu needs it more

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Let’s deal with the chase: “Captain America: Brave New World” is bad. History is a paper paper, the action is repeated and too reminiscent of the previous films “Captain America”, and the plot of the villain is not inspired. The worst sin that performs this movie is safe and forgotten, Despite many opportunities, despite many opportunities to be relevant.

The film follows Sam Wilson (Anthony Maca) when he found himself at the International Incident Center when he must unravel the international war and discover the secrets of the president before untying the red monster in the world.

However, there is one aspect of the film: President Harrison Ford Tadey Ross. Despite Trailers already spoil the big, red, clumsy movie surpriseThis does not reduce the fact that Ros is a complex and interesting nature, the transformation of the red khalk is exciting, and his battle scenes are well executed, while it all depends on the performance of Harrison Ford.

Ford, of course, is already making some better career on television in “compression”, but this is his performance in “Captain America: Brave New World”, this is the biggest reminder of the status of Ford as the right, true, conscientious movie star, the film stars . It is not just the best reason for watching this movie, but Marvel needs it more.

Harrison Ford manages when growing on the screen

At the moment when Harrison Ford grew on the screen in the movie, he immediately orders. He is not here to be a funny camera or a guest star, but rather to deliver a performance of the movie stars with enough presence to shine the whole movie.

The marvel cinematic universe has always attracted and acclaimed actors, but in the Recent Years, we’ve seen them mostly be used for EITHER FUNNY CAMEOS, Post-Credit.Remember Charlize the Teron in the second “Doctor Standez?”), either from time to time. Think that Russell Crow in “Thor: Love and Thunder”, Bill Murray in “Men-Murash and Osa: Quantumania”, Jake Gilelhal in “Spiderman: Far from Home” or Kate Blanchet in “Thor: Ragnarok”. However, even if we have actors in the list as a villain, as in the case of a blanchet, there is still a level of guns and tone they act, they give their performances.

This is not Harrison Ford. He is not here to play a sarcastic character, or to smoke and smile with his enemy. Roses are a great character as you get into the Marvel universe, and Ford gives the role of incredible gravity-naval when the role becomes blunt. Indeed, Ford is a dramatic anchor “Captain America: Brave New World”, a man who holds it, justified even in the movie. In a sense, he is one human actor in the movie “Mapat”.

Will it grow up to play a role in the future MCU?

Will Harrison Ford return to MCU? Probably not. As much as Ford made a terrible character perfectly forIt seems that Ford is very interested in pulling Hugh Jackman and playing the same hero until he turns 90 (well, at least no this Character … He approached Indiana Jones). In addition, there is the fact that “Captain America: Brave New World” ends without a much final diversity to grow back when he finishes his participation in the film quite finally in the floating flow.

Of course, the “secret wars” can easily change things, and two Halks are better than one (well, technically three, because there is also a son of Khalk from “She-Halk”). However, today it seems that there is no simple method or reasons for the Ford return, and after this movie it is clear that MCU can use Ford, or at least winning acting legends or two. Think about when Jeff Bridge was in the first “iron man”, or Hugo played a red skull, or Robert Redford appeared in a “winter soldier”.

Seem In the future, Robert’s long -standing And Hugh Jekman, rumored, continued to play logo in McU, going forward. Can the former Ford Thadi President Thunderbolt have made this year’s Thunderbolts*? We will learn about it on May 3, 2025.


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