Fans of the fantasy series -miliation do not even recognize real

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By Jonathan Chat
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Star Trek fans can feel that they are being rolled by a new one while waiting for adaptation to make a series of justice. Discworld, many years fantasy satire crazy Terry Patchet, had some decent television movies, including Going by the postal and HogBut the biggest attempt to bring a bizarre world that is carried by elephants on the back of the giant turtle was so erroneous that the fans pretend that it does not even exist. ClockThe BBC series about the guards of the largest city of Discworld, Ankh-Morpork, finally escaped hell in the development of 2021, but this did not miss the point that many consider the best series of Patchet’s books.

Watch is offended by fans Discworld

Clock tried to adapt The guards! Guards!, The eighth disk world and the first about Samuel Vims, a drunk head of the Ankh-Morpork City Hours, and its colorful crew trying to preserve peace. Richard Dormer who played in the SER BERIC Dondarrion brotherhood without banners in Game of Thrones. was inspired by the choice of casting as Vimes, but it is one of the two good decisions made in the series. The second was the transformation of the magic city into a more steampank, which not only helped keep it within the BBC budget, but also had to help create more fantastic and intricate.

For those who read Discworld’s novels, Clock was as offensive as Section 31 was a star supporter of Trek. Favorite fan characters were completely changed: from the little things, such as the Angua werewolf, which remained in control of her “unhappiness”, to those who fundamentally changed the point of the original novel. Lady Sibil, a possible Mrs. Vims, must be a wealthy noble woman with a sense of class and dignity, but in the series she is vigilant, and the only thing that shares two heroes is the name.

Apparently, the only change that is remotely protected is the transition from fantasy to Steampunk, which brings from its coat, microphones and higher technology levels, as well as open punk -momod, but, strangely enough, this part works. Clock Perhaps it was a straight fantasy, but the turn to the Discworld situation seems to be something that loved Zig when the readers expected Zag to turn out. It is a shame that the series also miss the entire point of the original satire.

Series that makes everything wrong

Terry Protchet was a brilliant satist The guards! The guards!to give the most concise and accurate treatise about the economy. Clock Turns the favorite part of the fans of the Discworld series, “Economic Bots Theory” Vimes, in which Vimes explains that the rich can pay for boots that last longer, while running long, into admission. This is exact ‘is the only most outrageous example of what the series fundamentally understands in Discworld.

Not surprisingly this ClockAlthough it was the most ambitious Discworld project today, it was a complete failure when it was aired. Instead of being creative, Csi-inspired The adaptation that Perri Protchet initially provided is a soulless mess that can only claim the “inspiration of Terry Protchet’s heroes” rather than sell itself as a direct adaptation. The only thing that is worse than not a big adaptation is so bad that millions of fans around the world decide to pretend that it has never been done.

If you want to see how not to adapt your favorite series of novels, Clock Available on Amazon Premier video for $ 19.99 but you better shoot this money and buy The guards! Guards!, Men on weaponsand Thud!All three of which are still one of the best Discworld novels, which are printed.


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