Rise in UK economic inactivity since Covid is genuine, says ONS chief
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Increasing the economic inactivity of the United Kingdom, as the epidemic is not an illusion created by the non-compliance of the National Statistics Office in the first public protection of the agency’s failures on the workforce.
The British National Statistarian told the British National Statistics on Tuesday that the data said that the data was “very confident” in the data that shows no jobs due to poor health.
Since 2019, the diamond has been on fire from politicians, the Bank of England and analysts in connection with the deeper issues related to the study of “labor workforce”.
Politicians are not able to install on any weight currently on any weight, as in response to a sharp decline in interest rates, which has led to the results of the bias, it has become unreliable.
“Please, please don’t think I’m unhappy. At night, I wake up to worry about this, “said Diamond Committee of the Commons Treasury Chamber.
But he said that although bias creeping the data, he was convinced that the improvement of the health related to the health was real.
“What we see in consistent research. A number of a number are constantly seeing this as a factor in the post-war years in our country, “he added, increasing the increased intellectual disease and” flight “at a high level.
The ministers previously saw the increase of inaction, unique among the economies developed for Britain as the main limit to economic growth and inflation.
But independent research has suspect With the use of funds, the Bank of England said it was no longer convinced that since the start of 2020 there was an increase in total inaction.
Despite the survey issues, the diamond said that it was confident that the government was in line with the government’s benefits and reflected concert efforts to achieve people in the more deprived areas.
Diamond’s role in British labor market database fell sharply, following a number of internal review, which accused of a Lack of strategic management and an internal culture that makes staff at lower levels, which is reluctant to concern.
He told the deputies that the rates of LFS answers were declining a long-term concern, which “very, very carefully and controlled.” But he said that only in October 2023 was aware when the agency drastically dropped the publication of the results, which were clearly incomprehensible.
To the question whether the foundation’s conclusion, which did not presume the pace of economic inactivity, Diamond said he believed that “comparing Tourne” with Manchester City.
The combination almost doubled the number of households that have contacts to overcome “very high levels of smooth rejuvenation” increased by 10 to 50 pounds and was drafted more interviews, said diamonds.
He added that before the agency’s goal was to expand his field for 1,000, it would not have funded the level of 1,500 “Great Statistics”.
At the same time, the issues related to the first “transformed” workforce continue to overcome the LFS for replacement, due to the length of the questionnaire and design.
Diamond said these TLFs can be ready to replace LFS earlier than the date of 2027, which was given since the beginning of 2026.
However, he acknowledged that he remained interviews and other staff collecting and maintaining, as the agency pays lower salaries than private sector research companies and other departments.
“There is a market in the civil service. We are relatively low payers, “he said, adding that the interviewer attempted to try a better paid class.
Oncesser experienced the consequences of the growth of idleness in more workers in his field forces, diamond confessed. “Noting” Our best interviews. A number of not all returns to workforce from pandemic. “
This story has changed to clarify how people growth were economically inactive