Reporter asks how in her case against the background of the trial a $ AP Rocky

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Rihanna Recently replied to the journalist who asked the singer as in her business against the background A $ AP RockyThe trial of the criminal attack.

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Rihanna answers after the question of how in her case against the background of the court in the criminal attack A $ AP Rocky

Friday, January 31 Xpreviously known as Twitter to share the RIH video. The singer seemed to leave the court after the fifth day of the trial. In addition, the cooked wore black glasses, the hair in the lateral part, the gray blaze, the black ensemble and the handbag when it walked past the journalists.

Taking a walk, the reporter asked Rih, “Rihanna, how are you holding?”

In turn, the singer smiled and said:

“I’m good, thank you!”

That’s why the rapper is on court

As In the shadows of the room Earlier it was reported, a $ AP Rocky is subjected to a crime. His former friend Terel Efron, also known as $ AP RELI, accused the rapper of shooting with him during the alleged incident in November 2021. Efron claims that he remained with pastures and wounded by fragments of the bullet.

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Today, Rocky and his legal team supported the reper’s innocence against the background of the allegations.

Recently Rihanna first made a criminal attack AP Rocky

As In the shadows of the room Earlier it was reported that Rihanna first appeared in the trial in the criminal attack on January 29. Since then, Tmz reports that since then $ AP RELI has made a headlines for availability Heated cross -ier interrogation with Rocky lawyer. In addition, the outlet adds that the exchange arrived against the background deleted text messages that are revealed Showing how religion allegedly made his way on a violent confrontation from Rocky to the estimated incident in November 2021.

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