5 best movies about Leslie Nielsen

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For the main part of his career, Leslie Nielsen was most famous for his strict, dramatic roles. His high growth and low voice were of the casting directors who offered him parts of commanders, leaders and even heavy. Many can remember the Nielsen’s stones “Prohibited Planet” 1956 As a captain in “Poseidon’s adventure” or plays a police officer in the 1972 police officer “Brave: Defenders”. In 1977, “Animal Day” he plays courageous outdoors that loses his mind and, rather dark, proclaims insane domination over animals and women. Someone may remind you that he can hide his breath for a long time when he stated in Creepshow. Many will be shocked if Nielsen Bit and Barbra Streizand attack in the 1987 drama.

However, Nielsen appeared in several comedies, first of all, playing Dr. Rumak in the Zucker-Abragas Lake Farse “Aircraft!” The parody proved that he had a talent for the Deadpan comedy, and he managed to say the most stupid things with a straight face. Later, the Zaz team will press Nielsen to play Lieutenant Frank Drebin on his SPOOF 1982 series “Police Squad!” This led to the film adaptation of the 1988 movie entitled “Naked Pistol: From a police detachment!”, Effectively changing Nielsen’s career. From now on, he was most famous as a comedian. Given this niersen liked to bring interviews with Perdets carsIt was a shift he clearly accepted.

After the “plane!”, Nielsen starred in 16 fake films, up to his death in 2010. Some of them were uncomfortable with fires (it appeared in the horrible, latest foits such as “Stan Helsing”, “2001: Space Gulp,” and politically irresponsible “American fairy tale”), but others were legal classics of comedy. Below is the top five movies about games for playful discussions.

5. Spy Hard (1996)

In the forgery of “Spy”, Rico Friedburg Nielsen plays wildly styl, the WD-40 agent, who accepts the mission to rescue an innocent abduction named Barbara Dal (Stephanie Romanov). Oh, wait. Barbara Dal. Barbie doll. I understand. The villain he faces is an evil general Rancor (Andy Griffit) who had robotic weapons and can attach different weapons and tools to his shoulders. Boss wildly style plays Charles Derying, and the spy harsh also supported the role for Bari Bostwik, Gay Harden and Kertis Armstrong. Ray Charles is fun playing the bus driver, and there are comedies from Khulk Hogan, Fabio and Mr. T.

“Spy Hard” came just before fake films that went into idiocy, which made it one of the best examples of the decade genre.

Nielsen’s fake films have always been stronger if they please one genre or movie, in particular, allowing them to stand separately from the Wave Friedberg/Selzer, who infected the 2000s. “Spy Hard” Lampoons James Bond Movies, yes, but it also consists in the paths of virtually every spy cliché that can offer a genre. “Spy Hard” also allowed Nielsena to play its role right, which has always been his biggest comedic talent.

Apparently, the best part of the film is that “Awesome Al” Yankovich sang the introductory theme song that crashed in James Bond’s musical styles, which instantly earns him extra points. “Spy hard” was definitely more successful (though not as good) as Yankovich’s own fake 1989 “UHF”.

4. Dracula: Dead and Loving Him (1995)

Little as chalk Brooks in 1995 “Bram Stoker’s Bram Stoker”, but I admit weakness. There is a bold, theatrical melodramatic tone “Dracula: Dead and Loving Him”, which makes it serious and dare to say cheerful. Nielsen plays in Dracula, again going along the line between a serious performance and a stupid.

Nielsen is also surrounded by several wonderful comedy performances. Anthony’s fox hits Lucy’s role, and Amy Yasbek is fun like a mine. Stephen Weber takes part in one of the greatest vampire stunks in the history of cinema (so much blood!), And Peter McNical earned Oscar in the Renfield. A scene where he denies eating insects in front of Dr. Suard (Harvey Korman) is a comedy along with Harold Lloid. It also helps that “Dracula” is a horned movie that possesses a fangness that only Brooks could handle. When the Dracula brides try to seduce the Renfield, he states that it is wrong … before they shout that they should be wrong with his brains.

“Dracula” a little moody compared to more popular (and much better) “Young Frankenstein” Brooks, but that’s nothing to sneeze. Indeed, /the movie even wrote the mission It’s not very sucking.

3. Reported (1990)

Bob’s fake Logan 1990 “reposted” can serve as an unofficial “exorcist” continuation, as well as counterfeiting. Linda Blair returned to the genre this time to play Nancy Aglet, a woman who owned the devil when she was a girl. Blair is not just a game, but it is hysterical, like the repressed Nancy, and Randy Satan. Nielsen plays the hero of Mary’s father, who is now called my father (yes, you can), and he was joined by Carrs-Stand, Father Broffy (Anthony Stark).

/The movie has promoted the “authorized” in the pastAnd our writing rightly noted that it is best to push when they send something serious. The mistake of many recent fake movies is that they send virtually everything that is popular, depriving themselves in terms and hoping that laughter is a little more than in the sock. The “reposted” deepens into the gloomy, horrible “exorcist” story, but it also enters the modern phenomenon of evil, shallow gospel television (Ned Beatty and lana schwab play Jim and Tems Fay Babker Types).

But the movie, like the “ZAZ” in front of it, cracks a whip on jokes, putting in a pun or a visual flap every three seconds. “Reproduced” is tireless, and most jokes land is amazingly well. Of course, some strokes did not grow old-you can expect that for a 35-year-old movie, it is largely flawless.

2. The plane! (1980)

One of the funniest films of all time and peoples, “Airplane!” This is the reinforcement of an incomprehensible movie about a catastrophe that no one has heard about. History says Jerry Zucker, Jim Abagamas and David Zucker allow their new VHS registrar, who work all night, wanting to see what strange garbage works in the dead in the late 1970s. They found “Zero Hour! Using” Zero Hour! “As their template, ZAZ made a” plane! ”

The films of the catastrophe were very in fashion in the late 1970s, and Leslie Nielsen even starred in one of the best: “Poseidon’s adventures”. He came back to play a very serious Dr. Rumak in “Airplane!” A movie about bad fish that caused a breakthrough of the disease and nausea during a night flight in Chicago. Former soldiers from the PTSD played by Robert Hayis should take control of the plane when the pilots became ill. He should also be connected with Julie Hagehi, who played her ex -girlfriend. There are also Peter Graves, Karin Abdul-Jabar, Robert Stack and Lloid Bridge.

I would like to tie some knocks here, but it would repeat the hogs you already know. The movie is widely known and he often returned Lists of the funniest movies. If you didn’t see it, please do it right away.

1. Naked gun: from the police detachment file (1988)

Some puristies may object to the “naked gun” is at the top of this list, because it is fundamentally different from the “police squad!” A police squad! “See how Nielsen’s character, Frank Drebin, passed through a solid police officer and a stone face and The coin manner of conduct.

But I say that “Feh” is Puristy as a “naked gun”, despite the tone shift, it is a hilarious, and this impresses the perfect balance between the serious and the hiss. The plot provides an evil billionaire, played by Ricardo Montalban, thinking about the attempt of Queen Elizabeth II (Janett Charles), using the mind control. Frank Drebin becomes involved with a fatal woman (Priscilla Presley) in her investigations.

“Naked Gun” was a great success, earning more than $ 150 million per budget for $ 12 million, more than less assuring that the films will be heard at least another decade. And they did! We also have some good. Thanks to the success of the “nude pistol”, Nielsen, who was heavy before, was a favorite new generation comedian. “The plane!” Perhaps redirect Nielsen’s career to comedy, But the “naked gun” made him immortal.

This year Akiva Shaffer Akiva Shaffer (director “Hot Rod” and “Popstar: Never Dover Never Speed”, Returns “Naked Pistol” with Liam Nissan, who played son Frank Drebin. It seems like a good choice as Nissan also has talent to delivery. One of our most anticipated movies 2025.


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