1923 Season 2 Episode 4 explains the origin of the Yelaston railway station

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This article contains spoilers For “1923” 2 season, episode 4.

“Yelaston” failed with a few unanswered By the fifth and (presumably) the final season ended. Good news, however, that’s what Western Franchise Taylor Sheridan Continues to produce spin-off, which fill some blanks regarding these secrets, with “1923” season 2, episode 4, “Travel River Iron”, finally explaining the origin of the favorite “railway station” of the Datton family.

For those who are not familiar with “Yelaston”, the railway station is a canyon located in an unpopulated district between Montana and Wyoming. Not having people is the perfect place to dispose the bodies of countless people who paid for the intersection of the Datton family and getting into their interests. Yelaston establishes that the Dutton used a place for generations – but they were not the first people who discovered it.

“1923” shows that Donald Whitfield (Timothy Dalton) came across the map. After that, he sends his ostridge, the Cretan Banner (Jerome Flynn) to reset the dead sexy worker he finds in his bedroom – Hope, noting the end of the end The most unnecessary storyline show – To make sure it is suitable for the goal. Given this, Whitfield, finding a convenient place to conceal dark secrets, probably led to the fact that he signed his own warrant.

Will Donald Witfield visit the train station?

Yelaston shows that Ranch Duton has been in the family for generations, so it seems only a matter of time while Jacob (Harrison Ford) and his relative stopped Donald Whitfield and other capitalist frauds who want to take the land. However, now he has a property in his family after paying real estate taxes, which means that at some point he can ruin them legally.

Of course, Whitfield is not stupid enough to think that the legality will stop Datton, allow it to demand his land and build a tourist resort on it. Datton is the killers, and so he intends to throw them into the aforementioned canyon. Duttons also does not want a tricky businessman to live, so the bloody bath is inevitable.

In the second season of 1923, there is a war of 1923, and it will probably end with Whitfield and his associates who are buried at the railway station because we know that this land remains with Dutton until the last season “Yelaston”. It remains to find out whether the railway station will be the last resting place for Witfield, but it seems that Dattons will learn about a secret place through their inevitable villain analysis. No matter what the future awaits, we can finally add to the decided column “Yelaston” Saga.

New episodes of the 1923 premiere Sundays on Paramount+.


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